Chloe has become Daddy's girl. When we first got back from China, Chloe was not interested in Kevin in the slightest. She always wanted me to do everything: hold her, play with her, put her to bed, etc. Back then I would tell Chloe that she was really going to like this guy and that he was staying around so she should warm up to him. My how things change in a short period of time. Now it is pretty much the opposite. If Dad is around, she prefers to be with him. It all started one night about a month ago when she essentially pushed me out of a room saying night night and shut the door in my face. I am use to the door shut in my face thing now because it seems to happen almost nightly. She wants Kevin to help her do everything including putting her to bed. When I try, she starts to wave to me then leads me out of her room and shuts the door in my face saying night night and blowing me kisses. I must say that if this would have happened with my first child, I may have had my feelings hurt, but I am much more comfortable as my role to know that she does love me. Plus, it has kind of been a nice break. It has been a good opportunity for me to spend more time with Caleb.
One of the things Chloe loves to do is scare Dad when he comes home at night. We hide around the wall by the door. Chloe is so funny, she puts her finger to her mouth like the shhh sign so that we will be quiet. The only problem is that on most days she has a hard time remaining quiet herself. When Kevin walks in we jump out and yell boo! She gets so excited and kicks her legs. It always makes me laugh.
Chloe continues to be busy. She finished her first swimming lessons which I think she enjoyed. She is loving her music class and continues to take speech. I am not sure how to rate the progress from her speech. I guess we will know things are good when she is speaking in recognizable sentences. We are still trying to get her to vocalize more. She can say Mama, no, yeah, night night, me, and pseudo words na na (which is Dada), Meme (which is baby). But, just because she cannot talk, does not mean she cannot communicate. She always amazes me how she can tell me what she wants without words.
Chloe turns 2 on Monday. We are excited about celebrating her first birthday with us. We are having a family party the following weekend. She does not know what a birthday is, but she certainly knows presents and cake, so I know she will enjoy it. What kid doesn't?!?