Saturday, July 21, 2012

Our American Girl

It was fun to celebrate Chloe's first 4th of July.  We were really not sure how she would like the fireworks.  She gets scared with the thunder and so we were worried she would be scared of the fireworks.  We tried to show her some videos of fireworks before and explain that they can be loud.  To our surprise she loved the fireworks! She even did sparklers and held Roman candles.  She was not afraid a bit.  Here are a couple photos of my American girl.

As I have posted on previous posts, Chloe loved our dog Bailey.  This spring we found out the Bailey had a terminal bone cancer in her shoulder.  We explained to Chloe that Bailey had a boo boo on her shoulder.  Chloe is all about boo boos and always makes a big deal when she or someone else gets one.  She would say Bailey boo boo and point to her shoulder.  It was really cute.  We finally had to say goodbye to Bailey on Monday July 9.  It was a sad day at our house.  I was crying and Chloe was so sweet to come over and sit in my lap and wipe away my tears.  She would say Mom happy, as to say, Mom be happy.  We did not know if Chloe was going to understand that Bailey was gone for good.  That Friday we picked up her ashes which came in a nice cedar box.  Caleb was explaining to Chloe that Bailey was in the box.  Chloe wanted to hold the box and she very sweetly held it and started to pet it and then gave it a kiss.  Maybe she does get it!  Here are a few photos of the kids and Bailey.

Looking forward to the one year milestone of getting Chloe this Thursday!

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